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Russian Traditions

Russia has many traditions whether or not they have a special significance.



Weddings are grand. Unlike the traditional wedding, where the bride and groom usually marry at a church with a priest, most Russian weddings are done through the state (going to the registration office for a marriage registration in Russia).

The wedding day arrives and the bride is  usually "stolen" for "ransom" from the groom by the bride's family. After the groom pays the "ransom" whether it be a monetary, jokes, or material value, the bride is given back to the groom and they make their way to register.

Afterwards, they take pictures and go to a restaurant (usually hired out for the night to provide a more "private" aspect.)


Otherwise, wedding rings and engagement rings are similar to the West with the latter being a more "new thing".



Borscht. Although originally from Ukraine, this is probably the most known dish to the West, or that is what the food they associate with Russia the most.


Vodka. Russians drink Vodka, a lot. Because of that, they naturally have a higher tolerance for alcohol, than say most Americans.


Matryoshka dolls are very popular and another association of Russia. It's basically a wooden doll with many smaller dolls inside consecutively. Large>medium>small>smaller>tiny.



Every weekday has a superstitious quality to it. To briefly describe all the days: Monday-Don't do anything grand. Tuesday-make life changing decisions. Wednesday-don't buy a house or apartment. Thursday-do whatever, the best day. Friday-be lazy. Literally do not do anything related to work. Saturday:start something new on Saturday, and continue doing that only on every Saturday. Sunday-(strange) don't clip nails or suffer loss of money and or happiness. For more of these "superstitions" visit the Links and Reference page.



Picture byHoney and Twine

Picture by RussianTreasure

Picture by Health and Wealth

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